Se ofrece voluntariado verano Portugal financiado por Erasmus+


Se ofrece una plaza de voluntariado verano Portugal  en 2017 para jóvenes menores de 30 años con el Programa Erasmus+ que cubre todos los gastos.

Si quieres más oportunidades busca en nuestras becas en Portugal.

Fechas y lugar del voluntariado verano Portugal


02 JUNE 2017 – 30 NOVEMBER 2017

DeadLine: 20.05.2017

You are expected to arrive in Ermesinde, Portugal, at 02th of June no later than 18:00 and to leave on morning of 30th November 2017.

In this info pack you will find details of the project, idea and project activities, target groups, info about hosting organization, accommodation, money and our contacts.

Sobre el proyecto de voluntariado verano Portugal


The hosting organisation wants, this presented project, to be as multifaceted as possible, in order to raise awareness of the local community that will contact the volunteers, who have very different personal and professional interests. This need is based on the building of an open society to pluralism, interculturalism, tolerance, protection of the environment and all other European values. From this we define our next general objectives:

– Promote non-formal and informal learning activities;

– Promote knowledge of other cultures by fostering intercultural and intergenerational dialogue and learning, having an impact on both partner organizations and not just on the host organization;

– Encourage creativity in methods, approaches and actions aimed to a good environmental promoting practices and preserving the environment;

– Provide youngsters with new personal and professional skills through collaboration in organizing and participating in cultural events;

– Promote mutual understanding of youth Europeans, by contributing to the establishment of networks partnerships between the European Population.

Actividades del voluntariado verano Portugal

The tasks to be performed by the volunteers, will depend on his skills and knowledge, and will be adapted to the profile of each one of them, however, the activities that we consider appropriate in view of the general objectives presented:

– Activities designed for children between the ages of 6 and 12, where they can organize, such as workshops / ateliers giving the culture of the country of origin (music, gastronomy, traditional games, painting, crafts);

– Visit local schools and associations to promote informal talks with the aim of sharing their experiences as participants in youth exchanges and EVS, sensitizing the local young people to the importance of participating in these opportunities;

– Collaborate in the organization of cultural activities that are part of JFE’s annual activity plan;

– Collaborate with the coordinators of the environmental area in monitoring and management through field trips, quality indexes, monitoring and collaboration in the assessment of the state of the water bodies through ecological analysis;

– Collaboration in the organization of awareness campaigns, conferences and lectures of nature conservation, sustainable development and efficient use of resources;

– Collaboration in the awareness campaign for the collection of canine waste in public spaces;

– Collaboration in the awareness campaign for the non-placement of garbage in public spaces.

Perfil de los voluntarios verano

For this EVS we will have 3 volunteers and are intended to be young people with fewer opportunities, with social, economic and / or geographical difficulties, and that have a profile that is characteristic and adaptable to the tasks proposed. They should be dynamic, versatile and demonstrate a capacity for autonomy and a taste for teamwork, presenting characteristics of communicative, available, flexible and creative nature.

Volunteers should demonstrate interest at working for the community in general, including in the areas of education and youth (2 volunteers), environmental (1volunteer) and cultural (all).

Volunteers should be motivated to learn a foreign language.

Organización de acogida del voluntariado verano Portugal

Applicant of this project is “Ermesinde” (JFE). In organizational terms, JFE has a standard structure, subordinated to a democratically elected representative. In a large organizational chart, the following areas are highlighted:

culture, education, social action, environment, youth, sports, free time activities, citizenship and civic participation and entrepreneurship.

Each of these departments has teams with high competences and experience in organizing and booster the local community, developing various initiatives for the promotion of the various valences for the action areas mentioned, which rules the organization.

In the technical staff, the JFE has about 60 employees in various areas of intervention.

The JFE is a public body, responsible for the mayoralty and local administration, developing in parallel activities of social, cultural and environmental nature.

As regards these areas of action, the JFE increments a follow-up work and proximity in the organization and promotion of occupational activities of leisure, under environmental and educational support to families, as well as to promote local activities and events.

There is a crucial focus on streamlining and organizing vacation camps, workshops and seminars under themes such as social inclusion, gender equality, employment promotion, dissemination and sustainability policies of green economy added to the development of retraining and promotion of the green areas of the parish.

The JFE is characterized by an active participation in collaboration and institutional, financial and human support to different associations of the city, responsible for the development of different types of animation, cultural and human enrichment, close to local communities and its action groups. It should be noted the constant concern in the support and development of support systems for young people, as part of its professional valorization and development of youth and personal skills. In view of the foregoing, the JFE feels the increasingly urgent need for dissemination and awareness of all young people to the importance of a global and European society, contributing to the search for a more inclusive and cohesive society that will motivate the citizens to play an active role in democratic life, to promote social integration, improve intercultural understanding and to promote sustainable development and green citizenship.

In this context, we seek to create a set of initiatives in the city, contributing to the awareness of young people of Ermesinde in relation to European ideals and values of an international community society extended to the Member States of the Union, in order to encourage mobility and entrepreneurship of young people, encourage the approach of different European cultures contribute to interculturality, pluralism, tolerance, non- discrimination, solidarity and social justice, arousing consciences and opening European horizons in the local community.


Alojamiento durante el voluntariado verano Portugal

During the project, the volunteers will be accommodated in Parish Council own installations, in particular rooms with outdoor space, having an individual or shared room and a common kitchen and bathroom.

The food will be managed by the volunteers, which will be performed monthly or when the effective need of it by the volunteers in collaboration with the Parish Council. All issues related to the specific food requirements of everyone will be saved. The food confectionery shall be the responsibility of the participants, fostering a spirit of shared management.

Dinero del voluntariado verano Portugal

The national currency in Portugal is Euro. We will provide a food allowance (150.00€), covering also the holiday period, to the volunteer(s).

POCKET MONEY: 120.00€ per month.


This project is funded by European Commission through ERASMUS + Programme, under key action 1 “Learning Mobility of Individuals”, action type “Youth Mobility”.

The European Commission, the European Parliament and the Member States of the European Union have agreed to establish the ERASMUS + Programme, which puts into effect the legal framework to support non-formal learning activities for young people. It will run from 2014 to the end of 2020.

Find more about it on:

Cómo solicitar el voluntariado verano Portugal

We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Application form (signed)

[button color=»purple» link=»» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: “EVS Portugal Emersinde. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME” to

  • Yei
    5 mayo, 2017 at 4:35 am

    Hola, esta plaza se puede tomar como prácticas académicas? O hay algunas exclusivas para ello?

  • Yes Europa
    5 mayo, 2017 at 6:34 am

    Hola, si has recibido una beca de prácticas no, pero si no recibes beca por parte de esas prácticas depende de tu centro educativo si te las reconoce o no. gracias

  • Rosana
    13 mayo, 2017 at 6:24 pm

    Hola, todavía puedo inscribirme?

  • Yes Europa
    14 mayo, 2017 at 11:53 am

    Hola , si claro, inscríbete por mail con todos los documentos que se solicitan para este Servicio Voluntariado EUropeo. suerte!

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