1 plaza para psicólog@/pedagog@ en Italia para trabajar con NINIS


Te ofrecemos un voluntariado pedagogos subvencionado para Italia en un proyecto con una organización italiana, una cooperativa social que trabaja con colectivos desfavorecidos.

Tenemos más becas en Italia.

Fechas y lugar voluntariado Italia

Monza, Italia

Starting date: as soon as possible for 10 months

Entidad acogida

The cooperative is currently made up of a group of about 170 workers who, through joint work, enter and compare human and professional energy aimed at producing a positive change in the condition of life, mainly of minors, young people and their families, where it it is, by culture or condition, more compromised. The values ​​that inspire us can therefore only include the objectives of Erasmus Plus:

-The daily interventions with the young people who attend our services, aim to obtain the «right to active citizenship», especially in projects where we welcome foreign minors, recently immigrated, or families with situations of serious social hardship;

– Developing solidarity, tolerance and mutual understanding are the objectives we have always pursued with regard to the local community so that we avoid the establishment of «ghettos» and develop common social retraining projects.

Our actions:

-Progetti socio-educational in favor of minors, diverse people abili and families in difficulty, realized in the environment of the life of the minor or in Residential communities;

– Social Animation projects aimed at preadolescents, adolescents and young people and promotion of cultural events starting from the various forms of communication;

-Intervents animation of the territories, communities, schools of all levels, concerning psycho-pedagogical, intercultural, orientation issues;

– welcoming and sending European volunteers;

– international exchanges; – training activities aimed at public bodies, organizations, work groups and individual operators, engaged in services and projects related to the socio-educational area.

Our style and the conditions in which we work: for the planning and management of such actions we collaborate and integrate with the Social and Territorial Services, with the Institutions and Institutions, with the schools and the social private, favoring and promoting the opportunities that they can allow it, respecting the institutional tasks and the respective mandates, in order to realize services in a social capital perspective (centrality of the territory, production of social visions, activation of collective responsibility). For the development and orientation of these actions we participate in opportunities for the development and construction of local social policies through the constant relationship with local bodies, cooperatives, consortia and power plants and through the dissemination, among the specialists in the work and in the community in general, of a culture and a sensitivity necessary to understand the meaning of our social intervention addressed to the weakest subjects. For the verification of these actions, we maintain constant attention to work with individual users, with groups, communities and territories, starting from a defined assessment and monitoring system, capable of collecting outcomes and perceptions of the different subjects involved. We have made an accurate monitoring and evaluation system of our work through the analysis of the results and the perception of the quality of service of all the subjects involved in our work (we are certified ISO 9001 / UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015).

Proyecto voluntariado subvencionado

This project is aimed at supporting three fundamental activities of the Cooperative: the minor community Millesoli di Monza; the «Incontragiovani» space in Brugherio and the «Artis» ice-cream parlor / cafeteria.

These activities are aimed at children (adolescents and young people) who, due to socio-economic situation, age and personal path, fall within or risk falling into the category of young people called «NEET», ie at risk of scholastic dispersion, poverty and social exclusion. The «Neet» results today from several studies (among which we mention Carcillo, S. et al. (2015), «NEET Youth in the Aftermath of the Crisis: Challenges and Policies», OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No 164, OECD Publishing, Paris.

http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5js6363503f6-en) among those particularly affected by the economic-financial crisis that began around 2007, so that the OECD estimates a decline in youth employment of 7.5 million people in Europe between 2007 and 2012 (see page 8). This concerned in particular the NEETs, which represent 18% of the European youth population (about 38 million people) and that are added to those who, having a poor quality job and not guaranteed, live in poverty (44 , 7 million people, aged between 16 and 29).

We therefore believe that it is a priority to guarantee employment and social integration for young people, especially in a general context where the shrinking of financial resources is causing cuts in social spending, thus reducing the ability to respond to problems. Access to employment and social integration can be improved through support for the educational and training paths of young people and this can only be achieved if they have other contexts adapted to their needs, find other reception contexts (such as family-type community) in which to live calm and free from worries. With the «NHGS» project we therefore want to take up the challenge of supporting the growth of NEET risk youngsters, having two goals: 1) a short-term first is to offer protection and assistance to the primary and secondary needs of young people elementary as food and health care for educational, relational and socialization needs); 2) the long-term aim is to guarantee them a training / professionalization path and, where possible, their employment (even at our «Artis» social ice-cream parlor, when possible).

These objectives are closely linked to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy (https://ec.europa.eu/info/business-economy-euro/economic-and-fiscal-policy-coordination/eu-economic-governance-monitoring-prevention- correction / european-semester / framework / europe-2020-strategy_en) and the Erasmus + program, which among its main aims has the «promotion of equity and inclusion (…)» especially in favor of «disadvantaged and fewer opportunities for their peers «. More specifically, the NHGS project has among its specific objectives: – the improvement of the skills and abilities of the participants, through their participation in the work of a social enterprise, reinforcing the link between young people and the world of work; – obtaining qualitative improvements in work with young people, through international cooperation between organizations active in the non-profit sector and dealing with young people in particular; – increase the capacity of youth workers to support the mobility and non-formal and informal learning processes of young Europeans.


Perfil voluntarios voluntariado Italia

We are however oriented to a person with an educational / experiential background of a psychological / social or pedagogical type or alternatively with a marked inclination and interest in the areas indicated. It requires at least a scholastic knowledge of English or French and an age of no less than 23 years, to avoid excessive closeness with the children receiving the intervention and therefore confusion of roles or relationships.
Regarding the needs of the volunteer, the experience we offer is a valuable opportunity for the volunteer / in-depth study and intensive experience in the areas mentioned above.
In these years of welcoming European volunteers, we observed and we were sent back by the volunteers, at the end of their paths, the added value of the European voluntary service in terms of:
– acquisition of the Italian language, both through the use of the OLS tool offered by the program, and through daily conversation. Linguistic knowledge, which is matured, also extends to professional psychological and pedagogical terminology;
– knowledge and experience of another culture compared to that of origin;
– participation in the life of a non-profit organization, acquiring the ability to move within a working reality;
– experience of active citizenship as a useful service to the community but also able to enhance their personal contribution ;;
– enrichment of their experiential and work curriculum, which can be spent in a subsequent phase of job search;
– international mobility.

At the moment we have not yet identified a particular candidate: we are contacting via email some selected candidates on PASS, the online tool offered by the program for the research and evaluation of potential volunteers. We are however oriented to a person with an educational / experiential background of a psychological / social or pedagogical type or alternatively with a marked inclination and interest in the areas indicated. It requires at least a scholastic knowledge of English or French and an age of no less than 23 years, to avoid excessive closeness with the children receiving the intervention and therefore confusion of roles or relationships. Regarding the needs of the volunteer, the experience we offer is a valuable opportunity for the volunteer / in-depth study and intensive experience in the areas mentioned above. In these years of welcoming European volunteers, we have observed and we have been postponed by the volunteers, at the end of their paths, the added value of the European voluntary service in terms of:

– acquisition of the Italian language, both through the use of the OLS tool offered by the program, which through daily conversation. Linguistic knowledge, which is matured, also extends to professional psychological and pedagogical terminology;

– knowledge and experience of another culture compared to that of origin; – participation in the life of a non-profit organization, acquiring the ability to move within a working reality;

– experience of active citizenship as a useful service to the community but also able to enhance their personal contribution ;;

– enrichment of their experiential and work curriculum, which can be spent in a subsequent phase of job search;

– international mobility.


As described above, the background, against which the project will be implemented, is the very current one of NEETs, ie adolescents and young people who are not involved in formal educational pathways, nor in non-formal training courses, nor employed in activities. working. The contexts in which we are going to carry out the planned activities are the following:
– the «Millesoli» minority community of Monza, which welcomes teenagers and young people far from their family and inserted into educational and vocational training courses;
– the «Incontragiovani» space in Brugherio, which offers opportunities for participation in active citizenship and initiatives of social and cultural animation starting from preadolescence;
– the «Artis» ice cream parlor / cafeteria, a commercial activity located in Milan, taken over a few months by us and which is a non-formal learning place, internship and job placement, especially for the disadvantaged and at risk.
All the proposed activities are designed and interconnected in synergy, in order to achieve the objectives of the project described above, namely:
1) the active participation of young people in the work of a social enterprise, in order to improve their professional and personal skills and abilities. Activities include cultural initiatives; adult training courses provided by young people (for example courses on smartphone use offered to the elderly); study support; courses on sign language (LIS); social planting.
2) obtaining increasingly significant results in work with young people, both from the qualitative and quantitative point of view (n ° young reached by the project / n ° young people who complete the path / n ° young people employed) through the exchange of practices and knowledge between the two partner organizations;
3) a greater ability to adapt youth workers to different cultural contexts and to the different non formal and informal learning modalities. In this case, the activities will consist of educational interventions in schools (dissemination of information on European volunteering and European Solidarity Corps; educational support and mentoring in the different contexts of participation of young people).
These objectives, once achieved, will determine:
– The acquisition of the ability to work in a team, problem solving, understanding and integration of points of view and skills;
– the ability to orientate within complex organizations;
– the development of relational skills in the management of «one-to-one» and group dynamics;
– the acquisition of the ability to organize and plan their activities and their training and professional path (both for the European volunteer and for the young NEET);
– cultural exchange and expansion of self-perception, as citizens and organizations within the European community context;
– greater ability to adapt and move within cultures and contexts different from their culture of origin.
These results will allow us to achieve the aims of the project, because the volunteer will be both mentor and coach for young people, accompanying them closely in their difficulties, in their learning and in their growth and maturation steps. Obviously all this will happen with the support and collaboration of the  service operators.
This type of intervention aimed at the NEET is based on the relationship of «mentorship», currently among the most experienced and proposed in Europe and in the world

Otros detalles prácticos

The project involves an organization of all logistical and practical aspects related to its implementation.
More precisely:

TRAVEL: travel to / from the host country, for the assessment visit and the start / end of the project; local transport during the performance of the service by the European volunteer.

FOOD: the volunteer will be domiciled at the Millesoli community, where he will be able to share the food prepared for the children guests of the structure, rather than preparing independently different foods. The organization of the weekly community menu is taken care of by educators. Generally, the volunteers passed through Millesoli have shown to appreciate the prepared food and indeed they often became themselves protagonists of the kitchen, preparing them national dishes rather than Italian or other sweets.
European. In any case, if the volunteer does not want to share the meal with the children, he will always have at his disposal the attic on the third floor of the community, which is also the seat of the volunteers’ accommodation.

ACCOMMODATION: the attic of the community is divided into an open space (where you can rest or read, study, connect to
internet, have team meetings) and two single bedrooms, one of which is reserved for the European volunteer. Adjacent to the rooms is a bathroom with shower, toilet, sink, storage for personal use. A washing machine is also available in the community. To protect the privacy of the volunteer, access to the attic is forbidden to children. The volunteer can freely use the kitchen and all the other services offered by the community: office, living room with television, laundry, internet. The volunteer is asked to respect the place where he lives, keeping him clean; to behave like a responsible and aware adult, not drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes in front of the boys; to have a language, a clothing and a behavior suitable for minors. We also ask for compliance with the schedules and commitments made with the educators.

LOCAL TRANSPORT: the voluntary payment of tickets will be guaranteed for the use of public transport necessary to move between the various services. In Monza, fortunately, it is also very well circulated by bike: the volunteer can therefore make use of the bikes available at Millesoli. The community also has a 9-seater minibus, which can be used for trips with children or commissions.

TUTOR / MENTOR: the volunteer will have as tutor Alessandra Di Minno, Head of Training Area of ​​ Cooperative and psychologist. Alessandra will take care of the integration of the volunteer in the working group and the group of young users, accompanying her learning process and supporting her awareness of the experience she will experience.

Referent Volunteering Projects, will enhance the learning gained and will support the voluntary in times of difficulty. They will also deal with the bureaucratic aspects and the contact with the sending organization; they will also have the task of supporting the volunteer for the compilation and release of the Youth Pass.

The volunteer will have as «mentor» Simona Rebuscini, member of the  Cooperative Board: Simona, outside the community work and the other two services involved in the project, will meet the volunteer periodically and as needed.
also to offer a different space for reflection and elaboration of one’s own difficulties and resources
personal and possibly facilitating the overcoming of obstacles. The volunteer will be followed in his daily work by the community leader Clelia Buccella, who conducts weekly the equiped trainers and international and non-voluntary volunteers (national civil service volunteers). The working environment in which the volunteer will be inserted guarantees the maximum protection to all workers, salaried or volunteers.

INSURANCE / SECURITY AND VISAS:  will take care of registering the volunteer with the NHS and activating the supplementary insurance provided by the program. It will also be offered to the volunteer the opportunity to participate in the courses on mandatory security provided by law 626/94 and by Legislative Decree 81/08, both online and in the classroom.
Finally, the sending organization, in coordination with us, will provide for the preparation of the documents necessary for the entry and stay of the volunteer in Italy for the duration of the project.

PREPARATORY MEETING: the project includes an «ex-ante» evaluation visit by a representative of the sending organization or of the volunteer participating in the project. This visit will be used for a preliminary assessment of the project to correct any defects that could affect its implementation or to agree on any improvements (without increasing costs) favorable to it.

How to apply

[box type=»note»]We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general ESC (European Solidarity Corps) one.

The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.[/box]

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general ESC one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.  Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

Application form sending organisation Building Bridges (signed)

[button color=»purple» link=»https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83534036/Motivation%20letter%20EVS.doc» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: «EVS Italy Williams. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

  • Micaela
    11 julio, 2018 at 2:25 pm

    Me gustaría que se aclarase Qué gastos estarán cubiertos por parte de la organización y cómo se daría la ayuda económica. El viaje de ida y vuelta sé que lo pagan una vez llegados al país de destino y con la documentación pertinente, pero para el resto, como la manutención y dinero de bolsillo, no termino de verlo claro por ningún lado.
    También me gustaria saber el plazo para entregar la documentación. Espero su respuesta, muchas gracias !

  • Nino versace
    11 julio, 2018 at 2:39 pm

    Hola se cubren todos los gastos! mira nuestro apartado de preguntas frecuentes que indica todos los gastos, anímate !

  • Marta
    13 julio, 2018 at 9:34 pm

    Buena noches, querría saber si se sabe más o menos cuando querrían que se empezase con este voluntariado.

  • admin
    15 julio, 2018 at 9:36 pm

    hola marta, es para empezar lo antes posible, gracias

  • micaela
    16 julio, 2018 at 1:00 pm

    Esta semana enviaré mi solicitud. Me falta finalizar la carta de motivación. De momento ya tengo el cv de europass. Espero que siga abierto el plazo toda esta semana. Muchas gracias!

  • admin
    16 julio, 2018 at 3:24 pm

    Hola Micaela, si por favor, no tardes y no te olvides de la solicitud, gracias

  • Micaela
    17 julio, 2018 at 2:55 pm

    sí, este viernes como muy tarde entregaré todo. gracias! Saludos!

  • admin
    17 julio, 2018 at 2:59 pm

    hola, el viernes quizás es tarde, están ya con entrevistas, por favor envíamelo todo urgentemente gracias

  • Micaela
    19 julio, 2018 at 1:27 am

    vale, pero tendré que enviarte algunas cosas incompletas!

  • admin
    19 julio, 2018 at 10:15 am

    OK recibido! gracias

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