Te ofrecemos 1 plaza de voluntariado europeo para Francia en una oficina europea en la bella localidad de Nimes, en un proyecto que necesita un/ participante español/a.

Por si acaso tenemos otras plazas de voluntariado en Francia.

Deadline: 8/01.2018

Period: February 2018 – August 2018

Number of volunteers: 1

Place: Nimes, France

Description of organisation: 

The Europe House would like to host an EVS volunteer for a project of 6 months in Nîmes, a south-east city of France. The volunteer will participate at the activities of a High school close to the city centre of Nîmes.

The objective of the project is to facilitate the intercultural exchange between the volunteers and students. Actor of the educational service, his activities will be to create and animate workshops for young people. Furthermore the volunteer will participate on the daily animation of the High school, using non-formal learning methods.
Most of the activities of the volunteer will be in link with European languages, non-formal learning and information about Europe.


Proposed activities for EVS volunteers

Main tasks of the volunteer:
-Help with the learning of European languages
-Tutoring of students and help with their homeworks
-Help with the seeking of internships abroad
-Promotion and animation of the European kiosk
-Animation of the common room
-Information about the European mobility programs
-Link with the activities of The House of Europe dealing with youth

Furthermore, the volunteer will have the possibility to make tasks according to his capacities and personal affinities. A time dedicate at the elaboration of his personal project, important part of the European Voluntary Service, will be offered to him with the support and the expertise of the Europe House team.

Volunteer profile sought:

The House wants to have a European in the team of the High school in order to add skills, especially with the volunteer of the school to be more European and international. From the volunteers, the Europe House is expecting their desire to give to the students their knowledge and
enthusiasm for the intercultural dialogue and intercultural learning. European information and sensitization is more credible if it’s made by young people from other European countries who believe in the European Union and who have a strong motivation to participate to the programs that are proposed, as well as learning foreign languages.

Candidates must have basic knowledge in French and/or English and/or Spanish.

Their motivation, their capacity on bringing enthusiasm during their intervention, especially for the young people, and their understanding of the pedagogy and the contact will be important criteria.

They will have to be flexible, mobile and to be able to adapt in every specific situation and every type of audience.

Description of the volunteering

Destined to encourage the mobility and the implication of the young people from 18 to 30 years old, the European Voluntary Service (EVS) helps to serve a non-profit organization or to a public body for general interest. Fully funded by the Erasmus + program (except for a part of the journey if necessary), the stay is totally free of charge for the volunteer.

Accommodations and practicalities:

The working time of the volunteer will be around 35 hours per week. Working time will be from Monday to Friday from 8am to 5 pm (2hours break for lunch). Week-end are free days, unless for punctual activity that are taking place on Saturday and/or on Sunday. In this case, the volunteer will be able to take some more free days during the week. His holiday’s projects will have to be organized according to his tutor at least two weeks before. His meals will be provided either in the restaurant of the high school, or with extra money that the high school will give him every month for his food.

The volunteer will be host in an apartment which he will share with other European volunteers close to the centre or in a student residence. The volunteer will have punctually to move for his activities, in that case the high school will organize everything. The high school is close to the city centre and shops. The volunteer will receive every month an amount of 150€ for his pocket money.

Selection process

[box type=»note»]We will study carefully all application and selected candidates will be invite for Skype interview. The selection of volunteers will take place in the coming weeks.

We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general ESC (European Solidarity Corps) one.

The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.[/box]

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:

Europass CV with picture (made in the last month) with skype name included

Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general ESC one. The volunteer is chosen according to his/her motivation and interest to the project and to the activities. It will be paid special attention to cover letters.  Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

Application form sending organisation Building Bridges (signed)

[button color=»purple» link=»https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83534036/Motivation%20letter%20EVS.doc» size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-pencil»]Motivation letter[/button]

[button color=»orange2″ link=»https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0″ size=»bigger» target=»_blank» icon=»momizat-icon-file3″]Application form Building Bridges[/button]

All documents written in English you can attach below with subject: «EVS France Leonie Nimes. YOUR NAME. YOUR SURNAME» to asociacionbbARROBAgmail.com

  • Ana Milena
    23 diciembre, 2017 at 6:54 am

    Buenas noches, desde Colombia (Sudamerica).
    Me gustaría participar en un voluntariado, compartir cultura y poder servir de ayuda a otros.

  • admin
    23 diciembre, 2017 at 9:53 am

    hola ana, lo sentimos pero es solo para residentes en España

  • Adriana García
    26 diciembre, 2017 at 1:10 am

    Me llamo Adriana y estoy muy interesada en hacer un voluntariado. No obstante, me ha surgido una pregunta: ¿ puedo solicitar este voluntariado si ya he sido beneficiaria de una beca Erasmus+ Estudios de 10 meses entre 2015 y 2016?

  • admin
    26 diciembre, 2017 at 9:13 am

    Hola Adriana,
    si que puedes, no hay problema! esperamos tu candidatura para este voluntariado en Francia!

  • Leonardo
    30 diciembre, 2017 at 1:52 pm

    Estimado equipo Yes EUROPA

    Me llamo Leonardo, soy residente de España, tengo 23 años y estaría interesado en poder ofrecerme de voluntariado para poder en ayudar en todo lo que se pueda.
    Mi idioma materno es el castellano, tengo nivel de B1 en Ingles, pero aún estoy aprendizaje con el francés.

    ¿Me podrías adjuntar/enviar un link con toda la información, por favor?.

    Muchas gracias, felices fiestas.
    Atte. Leonardo.
    Saludos Cordiales

  • admin
    30 diciembre, 2017 at 6:19 pm

    Hola Leonardo, si por favor envíanos todos los documentos que se solicitan a nuestro correo que indicamos, suerte!

  • Juliana Constain
    7 enero, 2018 at 11:43 pm

    Hola, tengo total intrés en aplicar a este proyecto, lo encontr’e hace un par de horas pero no me deja descargar los archivos editables, es viable enviar todo durante el dia 8 al mail?

  • admin
    8 enero, 2018 at 7:36 pm

    Hola Juliana
    si, por favor envíalo todo lo antes posible!

  • itzel
    11 enero, 2018 at 1:51 am

    Buenas tardes hay voluntariados para mexicanos?

  • admin
    11 enero, 2018 at 11:21 am

    hola , no lo sentimos solo es para residentes legales en España

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