Voluntariado europeo en festival de literatura en Italia


We are looking for 3 volunteers for 1st of October 2015 deadline. The project will last 5 months. 1 volunteer will work in the archive of hosting organisation and the other 2 will work in the secretary office of the Festival for the 20th edition of the Festival that will be in September 2016.


In the secretary office, the volunteers can help in the following activities: secretary work; programme arrangement, individuation of the locations, logistics and stands preparation, promotional material edition (programmes,catalogues, websites), audience assistance, on-site assistance,etc. The role of the volunteer for the archive of Festivaletteratura consists in supporting archiving and promotion of the documentary materials connected with previous seasons (paper / audio /video / photo materials); inventorying and cataloguing; carrying out bio-bibliographic and documentary researches in order to prepare promotional leaflets and brochures; assisting students that research about Festivaletteratura throughout the year; updating and developing audio-video- photo material and producing information and advertising materials (programmes, and materials.

The volunteer will get to controle the functionality of the website, elaborate institutional texts and FAQ and take part in the publishing process of the first inventories of the archive’s heritage.


Candidates should send their CV and cover letter to asociacionbb@gmail.com before the 30rd of August. Thank you to specify the Sending Organisation. Those who are able to do it can send their candidature in Italian. Only volunteers who will be pre-selected among the candidacies will be notified. Please note that if you don’t receive any answer it means that you haven’t been pre-selected). Then they will be asked for a skype interview to be done in September.


Candidates should: be flexible, be interested and sensitive towards culture and literature, in the publishing world, and in the relationship between Internet, new technologies and culture, have good familiarity with computers and the internet, as well as precision and problem solving, know Italian at a good level (at least B1), due to the specificity of the proposed activities, have a good knowledge of English. We will also take into account the professionalism and accessibility shown by the sending organisation on the basis of the contextual presentation of volunteers or of past collaborations, as well as the support and training they ensure before departure to them.

Selection process

For the selection of the volunteers we will need:
– Europass CV with picture (made in the last month)

– Motivational letter, writing that your sending organisation will be “Building Bridges”. We ask all candidates to send a specific letter of motivation – why they want to volunteer with us rather than just a general EVS one.

-the complited application form

Remember to write in the motivation letter that your sending institution is “Asociación Building Bridges”.

All documents written in english you can send to: asociacionbb@gmail.com with subject “EVS Festival Italia«.

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  • Andrés Rodríguez
    21 julio, 2015 at 5:50 pm

    Buenas. No sé si será mi interfaz o la velocidad de internet pero a varios sitios para ser voluntario (uno de Estonia y el otro de Italia), veo que tienen una de las cosas que necesitan «un formulario de solicitud» adjuntada pero no logro ver ese formulario adjuntado ni el botón amarillo en el que carga a dicha solicitud (al menos así he visto en otro programa de voluntariado, sin salir de YES digo).
    ¿Qué puede ser?

  • admin
    21 julio, 2015 at 11:40 pm

    Hola, a lo mejor tu navegador no está actuyalizado pero se trata de un formulario para descargar, si no puedes verlo por favor envíanos tu CV y carta de motivación en inglés y te lo enviamos por correo . un saludo

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