Voluntariado con discapacitados en Bruselas

Asociación de Bruselas busca voluntarios con discapacitados en Bruselas , es una asociación con proyectos para personas con discapacidad intelectual. Este voluntariado no es Servicio Voluntario Europeo ni Erasmus+ pero cuenta con las mismas condiciones, aseguradas por la organización de acogida (dinero bolsillo, alojamiento, manutención, transporte, etc…).
Traemos a voluntarios de todo el mundo para que junto con las personas con discapacidad, convivan y aprendan unos de otros.
La comunidad de Bruselas ofrece la posibilidad de vivir una nueva experiencia, de convivir junto a otros voluntarios de todo el mundo, profesionales y personas con discapacidad.
Además, en nuestra asociación valoramos el intercambio cultural, social y generacional. Y sobre todo, aprendemos unos de otros.


– Deseo de disfrutar de un año sabático y ganas de hacer cosas nuevas.
– El proyecto consiste en convivir con personas con discapacidad y otros voluntarios, y juntos realizar las tareas diarias y domésticas, además de organizar el tiempo libre.
– Organización ofrece alojamiento, alimentación, gastos de transporte y de seguro para los voluntarios.
– El tiempo de estancia es, idealmente, entre 10 y 12 meses. Hay ocho días libres al mes y dos de vacaciones por cada mes trabajado.
– Organización también ofrece cursos de idiomas para los voluntarios.
Si estás interesado en pasar una época en Bruselas en nuestro proyecto de voluntariado, no dudes en solicitarlo.


The long term project :  Starts  : mids of August/beginning of September due to registration in official schools.
Lectures start officially around the 15.09
You can’t register at distance
Minimum period : 6 months which can also be prolonged
Average time between 9-12 months because then the volunteer can participate in the 2 seminaries organized by us.

Condiciones voluntariado

What’s initial:
 The work of Bruxelles is based on a mutual agreement between the volunteer and us : o On one hand, it offers the experience of life with people with learning disabilities, which includes :
 to be a part of their lives
 to ensure the needed assistance in some of their daily activities
o On the other hand, volunteers take part in the work of the organization by
 sharing a part of their lives with the people with handicap (as we call them: the core members)
 while ensuring the assistance they need in some of their daily activities

Principles :
In the community, we offer an experience which consists of different activities, yet the whole experience has a lot more to offer than simply these activities.
Life and activities at our organization derive from the fundamental values of us (ex. Charta, ID card?, identity and mission, mandate of us and organization International, etc…)

It is impossible to draw a firm line between the two aspects of life: activities and community life are equally important and sometimes overlapping as well.

By Belgian legal standards, a volunteer can’t “work” but can be trusted with “activities”. The time the volunteer spends with these “activities” can’t exceed the number of working hours of a full time worker.
Volunteers  are expected to respect some further principles and values, concerning…
 …the life in the community :
o Participation at meals, washing the dishes, enjoying community time (like the evenings in the homes, the “Bo Wen Son” event [particularly the one at the beginning of the year, when the volunteers introduce themselves and the end of the year, when the community thanks the work of the volunteers], celebrations, holidays [particularly the Saint Thursdays], birthdays, etc …), home meetings, weekends and/or holidays at the homes, spending time in the homes and sleeping there, taking care of the house they live in (general cleaning, maintenance and other eventual
housework, keeping their own room tidy), … ;

These are examples of the community life
 … the activities :
o Assistance to the people with handicap in their daily routine and activities, should it be in their homes, in Grain (the activity center) or somewhere else on an individual basis. Also, preparation to the time spent together or team meetings can be considered as assistance activities for the people.

These principles apply to all of us. In practice, activities and venues (Grain, Branche, Cana, Ruche, Toit,…) can differ to meet the needs of the people of organisation – the core members and the assistants as well.
To put these principles in practice, a life in harmony is always of great importance for us. By that, we mean the life of the volunteers and professional assistants as well.

PM :
 When assembling the schedule of the volunteers, we always harmonize it with the hours of their intensive French course (provided by us, 6 hours/week) dans le cadre des 37 h / semaine (en moyenne, sur [2 ou] 4 semaines). Idem à priori pour les formations (organisation ou
organisme d’envoi).
 Nous ne décomptons pas de l’horaire initialement établi pour l’accompagnement (incontournable) des PA dans leurs activités, les heures de participation avec elles à des activités communautaires conviviales telles que les diverses célébrations communautaires p.ex.
 As long as possible, we try to provide a free evening before the weekly day off of the volunteers and also a free morning afterwards.
 At our homes the weekend starts Friday evening or Saturday morning, depending on how the given house organizes it.
 Establishing two kind of schedules allows everyone to participate in all kinds of activities (when applying one schedule for 2 weeks, and the other for the next 2, starting over each month).
 At the same time, keeping the professionals’ schedules allows everyone to have a chance to work together every now and then.

NB !!! :
 The “ spirit” is the opposite of self-centered! On the contrary, it is all about growing by giving: we mutually learn and receive from each other.

Organización acogida voluntariado Bruselas

Organisation is a non-profit organization, originally based on Christian values and established in 1973, by Jean Vanier, philosophy teacher and a Jesuit in Belgium. They wanted to offer people with learning disabilities, generally being in psychiatric hospitals, a place where the human dignity is respected.
Organisation is an international federation of people with and without disabilities, who live and work together in the daily center and in the houses. The mission of us is to provide disabled people with quality integration and develop their human skills. The originality of these small houses is based on a family-like atmosphere, where disabled people, professionals and volunteers from all origins, social, cultural and philosophical backgrounds, ages and beliefs encounter one another. In addition of this house’s life, some of the disabled people are going to the day center, where activities like craft-work, occupational therapies or services to the larger society, are offered.
The residents are between 18 and 70 years old and have various forms of learning disabilities (but generally they have Down syndrome) occasionally linked to a physical handicap. They are accompanied by teams of professionals and supported by volunteers. The aim is to ensure an adequate approach and relationship by each volunteer with the people having learning disabilities.
The activities, in the houses, are ordinary and “extra-ordinary”: daily responsibilities (maintenance, attendance, cooking etc.), supporting people having learning disabilities (accompaniments, transports, support in different learning and working projects), inside and outside the different houses, numbers of meetings, leisure activities, celebrations, holidays, etc.
Brussels has also a day center where activities are proposed. Disabled people, volunteers and the staff participate in handicraft and expression activities, art, like sewing, computer science, body expression, music therapy, gardening, circus or swimming.
These activities are the best way to improve exchange and mobility with disabled people, volunteers and professional people.

Diferencias entre voluntarios/as y personal contratado

Differentiating the roles of volunteers from the employees of organisation

Preamble :
1. The professionals employed by us are also “assistants”, even though their employment status is different.
2. The professionals, similarly to the volunteers have a role of authority towards the persons with handicap.

Division of roles between employees and volunteers:
1. In the homes :
a. The role of the employee responsible for education:
i. Developing and implementing the educational project with the support of the volunteers
ii. Responsible for administrative tasks, medical treatment of the persons with handicap, keeping in touch with the families/ legal representatives of the persons.
iii. Referent, guide and educator of the volunteer, who also supports him/her in building a relationship with the persons with disability.

b. The role of the volunteer :
i. Does not have background knowledge or professional skills
ii. Being present when needed while contributing to the daily life of the homes ( for example: wakeup, bedtime, activities, after 4 pm and during the
weekends, nights, hygene, meals)
iii. Participation in the life of the team
c. For certain tasks only the professional employees are responsible, namely:
i. Administration
ii. Preparation of medication
iii. Communication with the families / guardians, even though after a while some responsibilities can be handed over to the volunteers, under the
supervision of the professionals (for example : distributing the medication, being a referent to a person with handicap, etc.)

2. In the daytime activity center :
a. The role of the employee responsible for education:
i. Developing and implementing the educational project with the support of the volunteers
ii. Responsible for administrative tasks, medical treatment of the persons with handicap, keeping in touch with the families/ legal representatives of the persons.
iii. Referent, guide and educator of the volunteer, who also supports him/her in building a relationship with the persons with disability.

b. The role of the volunteer primarily consists of :
i. Accompany the persons with handicap during their everyday activities and participation in their community life in the activity center in support of the professionals.
ii. Ensuring the well-being of people (hygene, meals, ensure clothing adapted to the weather, psychological and physical health, etc …) in collaboration
with the professionals

iii. Ensuring the walking tours (TP = tournées pédestres) in pairs (2 assistants accompany the groups)
iv. Transfer the relevant information in between the homes, families, other sources…
v. Learning about people with disabilities
vi. Making sure, in cooperation with the professional team, that the daytime activity center works well.
vii. Making sure the team of volunteers work well together, participating at the team meetings and meeting of the educational team.
Generally the volunteers do not participate at the meetings of the professionals in the activity center, which are already rather crowded.
However, one (or two) volunteer(s) take turns participating in the professional team meetings. They play the role of spokesperson between the
professionals and the other volunteers, both ways.

viii. Additionally, the volunteers gather for team meetings on a regular basis with their RL, complemented by a psycho-pedagogue or the RV in
certain special cases.

3. Homes – Activity center:
a. Two different spaces with different functions and roles for professionals and for volunteers.
b. At the same time, these are two realities that complement each other, which reveals the necessity of searching for further overleaps between the volunteers working in the homes and those working in the daytime center.
c. It is important to treat these roles as different and complementary without comparing or opposing them.

Environmental Project

The houses of  Brussels and the day center are located in Etterbeek, close to the historical center of Brussels, not so far away from the European institution, in an urban environment. It is also situated next to a student and hangout place. There are lots of facilities: common transport, shops and sport facilities.
Far from being closed in a structure that has no connection with the outside world, the volunteer may find in  Brussels opportunities to be part of a local community including an environment where they can also involve themselves and widen their network.
Each volunteer when he/she has to face difficulties sometimes will find above all an experienced team of professionals, available and ready to listen to him/her.
As already mentioned, his/her tutor will involve himself with the volunteer in his difficulties and his daily routine. Moreover, volunteers as well as professionals have the possibility of expressing their life experiences in various team meetings, and if necessary, these teams are supported by a supervisor. Volunteers have also many seminaries related to the issues concerning learning disabilities

Papel de los voluntari@s en Bruselas

It has a long tradition of welcoming volunteers of all countries, of different social and cultural backgrounds interested in participating and collaborating in its project of integration for people with different learning disabilities.
The mission of us is to welcome adults with disabilities. This implies that the volunteer – along with others in this community life- tries to meet the basic needs of the people welcomed with disabilities, to create a home life where each one feels at home, to stimulate himself during his work, to enjoy the opportunity to learn and share life with people who are open to meet their way of being different. You will realize that people with disabilities are not only patients and that volunteers are not only" caretakers". In what is vital is to aim for a reciprocal relationship. NB Reciprocity does not mean a denial of the differences between us! – it is just the opposite!
We could summarize your roles in our organisation like this:
 You are a friend;, but not only…. and having also a role of authority
 You have a supporting/teaching or ‘educational’ role
 Therefore, you are «a listener»too

Equipo de trabajo

One of our “values” ​​is of course teamwork because the community includes several groups of people: volunteers, trained care workers and other professionals. Each group brings something unique and different to this community life, either in the Activity Center, or in the houses. It is therefore a school of life, where we learn how to grow together. For each person, professionally qualified or not, the major competences always include listening skills.
At organisation, one of the fundamental values is the teamwork among volunteers, professional educators and friends. The variety of coworkers’ status enriches the community, should it be in the homes or the activity center.
Listening and reassessment both are essential for everyone, professional or not.
With his houses’s team, each volunteer is responsible for functional organizational tasks as follows :
 2-4 wakeups a week : waking up the people with handicap and taking care of housework
 2-3 hours a day for specific tasks, for example : grocery shopping, taking the hosted people to the doctor, etc. The tasks are distributed conform to the capacities of the volunteers.
 2-5 evening a week, starting from the afternoon snack (comment traduire GOUTER? ), helping the people with their baths/showers, cooking dinner, helping them to prepare for the night.
 Working 2 weekends a month
 Presence at the homes some nights a week
 Participation in the activities of the homes, communal celebrations, the activities of the daily center.
 Accompany the people with disabilities to additional programs or occupations, conform to your skills (work, medical appointment, free time activities, etc).
 Taking care of general tasks to ensure the smooth functioning of the homes: welcoming the people, cooking, grocery shopping, baths and general hygiene of the people, getting there and coming back for the activity center, celebrations, keeping the rooms tidy.
 Accompany the people during their activities in the daily center.
 Participations at house meetings
With the daytime activity center’s team, every volunteer is responsible for functional organizational tasks as follows :
 Accompany the people with disabilities in their individual and collective projects
 Involvement in teaching and familiarizing with the teaching tools (eg presentation cards)
 Punctuality, full presence during breaks and meal time
 Discipline : in case of absence, let the managers know in advance
 Participation at the team meetings and meeting organized for volunteers
Day center activities
As part of a team, the volunteer shares his responsibility by:
 Supporting disabled people in different activities (work, recreation, health, hygiene…) inside and outside the day care center.
 Cooperating in the daily functioning between the houses and the day care center by accompanying the people with disabilities from their houses to their workplace, having fun and celebrating together, for example.
 Assisting the training related to disabilities, accompaniment (how to cope with violence, affections, feelings, authority, interdependence between different status (professionals, volunteers;
Schedule: Typical day in the day center
8:30: Transport or walking to the Day Care Center and sometimes, preparing lunch for outside activities.
9:00: beginning of the activities
10:30-11:00: rest time
11:00-12:30 activities
12:30-13:30: dinner
13:30-16:00: activities
16:00: going home again according to the same rules in the morning, either walking or going by car;
You are free during the weekend, in general.
Other mandatory activities not yet mentioned will take place during the day schedule. A weekly meeting with the head of the day care center, and if needed, with the responsible of the volunteers (kind of Human Resources person). Meeting with the team for volunteers in order to prepare the workshops under the guidance of a professional, the meeting with all the members of the day center (people with disabilities, volunteers, professionals), participating in language courses….
The volunteer can also work in the disabled people’s houses. It’s a different rhythm from the work in the day center. The volunteer is working mostly on the daily times, in the morning, and when the residents come back to their home. You are free during the afternoon.
A typical day in the houses
7:00-8:30: Get up, breakfast together. The volunteer will accompany the disabled people in the morning, before leaving towards the day centre. He will awaken the people, prepare breakfast and accompany them to the day centre.
8:30-9:00: After the departure of the persons, the volunteer will participate to the housework and cleaning – depending on the day of the week, your French course and your commitment in the community or outside the community
You are free during the afternoon
15:30: The residents come back to their home; you organize the tea time, while the staffs take care of the people hygiene.
18:00: Every day, one volunteer and one disabled prepare the dinner together.
20:30-22: After dinner, we spend the evening together until bedtime.
*One or two days per week, you will stay in the house to make the night shift.*
For each volunteer the activities, for which your presence is required, include: the house meeting, the team meeting (including weekly planning), the organisation of the weekends, and participation in other community events.
Each volunteer works 37 hours in a house and every second weekend.
Recuperation days: 1 full day and one evening off/week and 2 days off every second weekend: total: 8 days. Holidays: 2 days/month
Every volunteer can either choose to live in the houses or to work in the day care center. It’s obvious that lives in a house or in a workshop are different, but even if there is another emphasis on the tasks and on the times of presence, the amount of hours, days of recuperation and holidays are the same. Generally, different combinations between houses and day center are possible.

Perfil voluntarios

The volunteer, first needs to put himself in motion towards the meeting of differences, with a “spirit” of adventure and of solidarity. He should be ready to “dedicate” himself to the less privileged people in our society and he also ought to be willing to leave for a minimum period of 6 months. Moreover, it is appropriate that he acts, within the family-like project of Brussels, for and with people having learning disabilities together with professionals, which also implies a capacity of taking responsibilities and initiatives. At the same time this also requires the desire to cooperate within a multicultural and multidisciplinary team. Working with people having disabilities can be very demanding sometimes so that a certain self-balance and rest time are necessary.
The place given to the volunteer is not to take a vacant job to be supplemented within a team. Each volunteer takes part in shared life by his presence and by concrete, specific tasks, as mentioned above. Not only the volunteer, but each person should stimulate exchanges between all parts concerned by this project.
To speak at least basic French is helpful but not required. In order to facilitate communication, the volunteer will attend French lessons.

To each volunteer working in the daytime center, it is obligatory to :
 Participate at meetings with the manager of the daytime center
 Participate at team meetings or meeting of the daytime center’s volunteers and the community meeting on Fridays
 Participate at language classes
 Working 2 days a month in the home to which the volunteer is designated to (based on the necessities of the home)
 Participate at the community weekend, regional community day, the Christmas market and evaluations

To each volunteer working in the homes, it is obligatory to :
 Have meetings with the home leaders and to take part in team meetings
 Prepare activities, take part inhouse meetings, take language classes
 Participate at the community weekend, regional community day, the Christmas market and evaluations

Remarks :
Under no circumstances shall the weekly number of the volunteers’ working hours exceed the working hours of an employee.
Each volunteer has to be provided 6 hours of French class a week, deducted from his/her working hours.
Occasionally it might happen that the language course and the working hours are not compatible. In these cases, the volunteer and the home leader try to find a solution together.

Summary :
Your project at our organisation is built :
– With you
– With the leader of the home / daytime center
– And in cooperation with the volunteer coordinator

Alojamiento y comida:

The volunteers are hosted at the so-called-volunteers’ house, called “Bethleem”. The volunteers share the common facilities, like the kitchen, dining room and the bathroom, but they have a private room. Sometimes, there are other volunteers from other
hosting organizations, staying in this house. This house can welcome until nine persons maximum.
Each morning, you will go to the day care center, which is 15’ away from your house if you walk.
The volunteers in the houses have their own private room in the same house where they are working.
Every month, a general allowance and a food allowance are given to the volunteer who is working in the day center. But every working day, the volunteer eats a warm meal together with disabled people.
For the volunteers working in houses they only have a general allowance because the meal is provided every day.

Cómo solicitar este voluntariado en Bruselas

Please download and  fill this documents: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cqd30j12iat0quv/AAASMnNxA1tknyAl63Y6emnOa?dl=0

Form hosting organisation (compulsory): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qfx8ZxT-armxGHyQao8S2WLOHPSfybG-P3He8nnxH0g/edit?usp=sharing

Send us an email with your CV, our form and letter of motivation to «Asociacionbb@gmail.com» with subject «EVS Brussels Jean. YOUR NAME.YOUR SURNAME»

  • Cristina
    22 julio, 2018 at 9:02 pm

    Cual es la edad limite para este voluntariado?

  • admin
    23 julio, 2018 at 9:33 am

    Son 30 años máximo, gracias

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