FAQ Category: Virtual Internships

Virtual Internships is an initiative from YesEuropa aiming to help companies fill vacancies with trainee candidates. We already sent over 500 trainees with Erasmus+. However, lockdown restrictions are not stopping us!

May 14
Do we need to pay to trainees?

Our service is free of charge, you do not have to worry about any costs. Moreover, it is not compulsory to give a salary/compensation to trainees. However, we will give priority to those companies that give a little compensation to trainees.

Abr 28
Do I need to agree on European Quality Charter for this virtual internships?

Yes, this is a good practice ensuring both rights for trainees and companies. The European Quality Charter of Internships and Apprenticeships is an initiative of the European Youth Forum that lays basic quality principles for virtual internships and apprenticeships to become a valuable and quality experience across Europe.

Abr 28
What about GDPR, intellectual property or any other rights?

Erasmus+ is based on the Learning Agreement signed by the company and the trainee which covers intellectual property rights on material developed during the traineeship. On top of this agreement, companies can add others agreements, including confidentiality clauses.

Abr 28
Do host institutions/companies have any responsibility to continue employment after the traineeship?

There is no obligation for your company to hire a trainee after the traineeship, nor to keep him/her longer than agreed. As per Erasmus+ rules, traineeships normally last 3 months but they can also last 2 to 12 months – the actual duration depends on the company. The duration is agreed before signing the Learning […]

Abr 28
Who pays for the trainee’s insurance?

Payment of trainee insurance will be done by YesEuropa and clearly stated in the Learning Agreement signed before the traineeship starts. Students do not normally pay the insurance from the Erasmus+ grant because it is paid by their education centre or by us. Students will provide you a copy of this accident&civil responsability insurance.

Abr 28
Who can be a receiving organisation for virtual internships?

Enterprises (any size) or any other relevant workplace can host trainees. Public institutions, Chambers of commerce and business associations can offer traineeships and also match supply and demand and therefore become partners to universities.

Abr 28
The intern benefits from the Erasmus+ programme but I’m not sure if I still need to pay anything for hiring this person

Most cases you do not need to pay anything to the trainee. We also include an accident&civil responsability insurance. You may need according to your country’s work regulations, you can contact the National Agency of your country if you have doubts about that.

Abr 28
I am not sure what documents I need to sign to hire an intern

In most cases, the intern will need to sign a Learning Agreement. You must also sign any legal document you may need according to your country’s work regulations, but we will assist you in paperwork if you have doubts about that.

Abr 28
My offers do not seem to be visible

Sometimes we do not need to publish your offer in our website, it is offered directly to interested candidates and, if they confirm their availability, we will send you their contacts and CVs.

Abr 28
My offer has not yet been validated

This may take some more time as we have to manually validate the information. You can still fill the internships form without any problem in the meantime

Abr 28
Can I see the profile of an intern on your webpage?

We inform you that due to GDPR we don’t have this section available in our site anymore. We will send you the profile of trainees and you will interview them. Then, you will confirm us if he/she is selected and we will inform you about next steps.
