Etiqueta: gestión cultural

May 17
Voluntariado centro juvenil de Austria

project dates Start: Beginning of October 2018 10 Months – from the beginning of October 2018 until the end of July 2019. Important: We ask you to only apply if you are committed to participate the whole duration. This is important for the project, your learning development and for the hosting organisation. The application deadline […]

Dic 10
Videoartistas para Cuerpo Europeo Solidaridad Holanda

Oferta de voluntariado del Cuerpo Europeo Solidaridad Holanda para trabajar como videoartista con todos los gastos pagados. Si quieres ver más ofertas del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad visita nuestra web. Dates and location Location: Amstelveen, Netherlands Deadline: 31/12/2017 Start: 01/05/2018 End: 31/04/2019 About our venue It is a venue for pop culture and media in Amstelveen (83.000 […]

Dic 09
Servicio Voluntariado Europeo en centro cultural de Holanda

Dates and location Location: Amstelveen, Netherlands Deadline: 31/12/2016 Start: 01/09/2017 End: 31/08/2018   About our venue It is a venue for pop culture and media in Amstelveen (83.000 inhabitants) near Amsterdam. We offer a very broad selection of activities consisting of – but not limited to – concerts, dance events, festivals, visual arts, workshops, masterclasses and […]

Dic 08
Plazas Servicio Voluntariado Europeo en Salzburgo (Austria)

Application deadline is December 18, 2016. Salzburg is currently searching for 4 volunteers for following hosting organizations: Youthcenter Corner (September 2017 – June 2018) The organisation: The youth and culture centre «CORNER» in the city district of Itzling has been founded in 1998 with the support of the city council of Salzburg. Together with the […]

Nov 27
Mi vídeo del voluntariado en Turquía

Un resumen de mi EVS (European Voluntary Service), en español SVE, (Servicio de Voluntariado Europeo) de corto plazo en Sinop, Turquía, una ciudad mágica del Mar Negro. Un resumen de lo que estamos haciendo 5 jóvenes de distintos países en la ciudad. Francesca de Italia, ayudando en clases de teatro y apoyo a una escuela […]

Nov 25
Voluntariado cultural multimedia en Eslovenia

Place : Krsko, Slovénie Périod : 1 May 2017 – May 2018 Duration: 12 mois Deadlie : 22 Décembre 2016 hosting organisation We have copious experience with the YOUTH in Action program. By the end of the year 2014 we hosted 15 international youth exchanges, took part in 6 exchanges abroad, carried out 5 projects of youth initiatives. Since […]

Nov 20
Voluntariado europeo en gestión cultural en Alemania

Application deadline: 07/12/2016 Title of the EVS project: Meeting Point Saxony II   Dates and place Starting date: 6th of January 2017 Location: Dresden, Germany Duration of the EVS: 12 months Age: 18 – 30 years old   About the project Hhosting organisation provides young people with opportunities to use their soft and professional skills and […]

Nov 13
Mari Trini en Turquía gestionando proyectos culturales en su voluntariado europeo

Cuando le dije a mi familia que me iba a Turquía, pensaron que estaba loca, que me iba a la guerra, porque cuando lo decidí y me aceptaron, hacía pocos días que había ocurrido el atentado en el aeropuerto de Estambul y el supuesto golpe de estado… No voy a negar que algo de «cosilla» […]
