Varias plazas de voluntariado de larga y corta duración en Hungría



EVS vacancies for German, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian participants!

EVS – European Voluntary Service – is a program financed by EU where you can become a volunteer in Europe up to 12 months. As an EVS-volunteer in Hungary, you dealing with 7-15 years old children attend to a special elementary school focused on Hungarian folk heritage. As an EVS-volunteer you live and work with the locals, which bring you closer to the Hungarian lifestyle.


non-formal education through sport and linguistic activities. The project mostly consists of non-formal learning activities through sport and language learning activities based on study groups, trips and camps, tournaments and competitions, as well as outdoor games, group activities and events.

Target group:

The events and activities are linked to the non-formal educational program of Búzaszem School and therefore the stutends attend to this school are the primary target group of our project, nevertheless we also involve local children and youngsters.


Application deadline:



We are recruiting LONG-TERM volunteers for different project periods:

  • 11 months: february 2016 – december 2016 (1 volunteer)
  • 7 months: february 2016 – august 2016 (1 volunteer)

We are recruiting SHORT-TERM volunteers for 2-months-long project duration in 3 flows starting at

  • March 2016
  • May 2016
  • July 2016



Here are some example activities for the volunteers:

  • Organising sport activities for children in the school (valleyball, basketball, soccer, badminton, table tennis and so on).
  • Paricipating in a local team for organising trips and camps for children in forests and on rivers.
  • Learning of kayak and canoe driving.
  • Keeping company for the children and activating them.
  • supporting handcraft and linguistic study groups for small groups on behalf of the teachers.
  • organising informal English study groups based on games for children
  • Preparing and implementing of cultural and sport events of the school and local community.
  • Documenting the activities by photos and videos, making short recapitulative films of activities.
  • Update Facebook and website with news and advertisement for the upcoming activities

Our hosting community consist 140 children (6-15 years old) and their parents, and 30 teachers of the school. 20 000 inhabitant live in our small tow. There is 20 kms distance to the capital of Hungary (Budapest).

Selection process

Here, you can read about the applying procedure for EVS volunteering at. Please read the instructions carefully:

  • For apply for the project, pleasefill out our application form
        [button size=medium style=less_round color=green align=none url=]Application form[/button]
      • make your project specific CV and
      • send both of them to the project sending organisation ( by 10th of September, 2015
      • If you want any other documents considered along with your application, please send those documents in the same e-mail as you send the application.
  • After deadline, we will send your application to the project team, who will pre-select candidates.
  • We prefer to have a Skype conversation with you, if you will be pre-selected to get a wider picture about you and your motivational background.
  • If you are selected for the project, you and your sending organization will hear from us via e-mail.

The coordinator organisation applies for the upcoming Erasmus+ deadline (30th of September, 2015).

What do our participants say?

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  • Houda
    4 enero, 2016 at 12:41 am

    Buenas noches,

    Soy de España, concretamente de Barcelona. Actualmente estoy estudiando un fp superior de Higiene Bucodental, y me interesaría hacer estos voluntariados en verano o de corta duración.
    Llevo dos años buscando dónde poder participar y hacer algún voluntariado, y por fin, di con ésta página.

    Quisiera saber si hay proyectos de corta duración, y si es así, cómo podría buscarlos o encontrarlos. Porque me metí en la página de SVE y sólo encuentro de larga duración, y en estos momentos no me es fácil irme fuera y dejar mis estudios sin finalizar.
    Me dijeron que era obligatorio acabar mi voluntariado, y si me retiraba tenía que pagar alguna tasa o devolver todo el fondo, ¿es cierto?.

    Espero que me podáis ayudar,

    Muchas gracias.

  • admin
    4 enero, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    ahora tienes un par de ofertas de corta duración, pero los socios tienen preferencia en estos voluntariados. No se quién te informó sobre que «tienes que pagar una tasa o devolver el fondo» si no acabas tu voluntariado, pero no es cierto. sin embargo, si lo abandonas, la organización de acogida puede dejar de pagarte los gastos en los que hayas incurrido ese mes corriente
    un saludo

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